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Phone Ringtones


Please check out this ringtone I composed for mobile phones. It's called
Trumpet Freedom FanFair.  Please let me know how you like it.

OK, OK, I know it doesn't relate directly to dog training psychology, or dog agility, but I thought that you, as one of beloved dog agility friends, might like to hear it.

A custom ringtone can help you be more productive and have more fun. With most phones you can set a unique ringtone for certain contacts.

When your phone rings, and an important contact is calling you won't have to look at caller id. You will already know who is calling.

I first composed the ring tone using a Yamaha P-125 keyboard and then  rendered the "Trumpet Freedom" ringtone with the help of the Miles Trumpet patch on a Kurzweil 2000R sound module. I did this a few years ago and now, I couldn't do it again without a several hours of study and hard work.  Music is wonderful and I love it, but of how quickly one's music skills can fade if one does not keep up. :(

One use of a special ringtone is to configure your phone so that when a friend calls you a distinctive custom ringtone will play.

Learn how to set a unique ringtone for a certain contact using a Samsung phone. <=Click. (This link opens in a separate window.)

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