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Puppy Training Tips

Puppy Training Tips

How to Train a Puppy

On this puppy page, you can watch a fun instructional video on puppy training. 

Master the Key Puppy Takeaways

To help you make sure you've mastered the key points in the video, we offer you some progress checks -- little quizzes.  Enjoy!

According to video, what three 3 things are important to teach your puppy right away?

Check your answers below.

Puppy Training Tips


Three Important Things to Train a Puppy to Do

1. Come when called by name.
2. Sit

3. Lie Down


1. When teaching a dog his/her name, make a _____ to get him/her to come to you. 

2. When the dog _____ at you, say ________ and give him/her a __________.

3. Before taking him outside, walk around the house and call him (True or False?)

4. Teach sit by luring him into position by QUICKLY putting the treat above his head. (T of F?)

Check your answers below.

Puppy training tips
Puppy training tips


1. When teaching a dog his/her name, make a noise, to get him/her to come to you. 

2. When the dog looks at you, say his name and give him/her a treat.

3. Before taking him outside, walk around the house and call him  Yes. The dog needs to learn to come to you when you are moving. 

4. Not so. According to the video, it is best to move your hand in slow motion when luring.

Puppy training tips
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Puppy Training Insights

Here are some puppy training questions. Take your best guess! Then check your responses against the correct ones given later in this tutorial. 

  1. True or False? It is best to wait until a puppy is at least 6 months old before starting training because before that a puppy is too young and immature to understand what you are trying to teach.
  2. T or F? All dogs are potentially people biters.
  3. T or F? It is best to start training a puppy at home immediately after you bring it home.

Check your answers below.

Puppy training tips
Puppy training tips
1. Six months is too late!  A dog has probably developed a lot of bad habits by them if it has not had any training. 

2. Yes, all dogs have the potential to become biters. (So training regarding this is really important earlier on.)

3. Ian Dunbar recommends that you give the dog a day to adjust to its new environment before starting training. So item 3 is false.


4. (T or F?) If you want a dog to follow you, keep walking.

5. (T or F?) If a puppy does not come when called it helps to clap your hands and run off to make it fun for the dog.

6. (T or F?) If a puppy runs away, it is best to chase it.. 

7. (T of F?) To train a puppy dog not to bite, frequently put your hand in the puppy's mouth; if she puts pressure on your hand, say, "Ouch" loudly to let the puppy know that humans are very sensitive and don't like biting.

Check your answers below

Puppy training tips
Puppy training tips


4. Yes, that's true. Don't stop. Dogs love to follow movement.

5. Again, that's correct. Do the opposite of what your dog does. If your dog runs off to the right, run to the left.  Remember dog's like to follow; don't chase them.

6. As indicated in answer to #5 it is best not to chase a dog so the statement is incorrect.

7. Yes. That's a good way to teach a dog not to bite.

Want to see how Magic Momo Superdog learned to handle the "Scary" teeter obstacle in dog agility as a puppy.?

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IMPORTANT.  Puppies need to have their teeth brushed and nails trimmed regularly.  A puppies teeth are brilliant white!  You want to keep them that way!  We recommend a finger brush and daily tooth brushing!  If it is good enough for you, it is good enough for your puppy!  If you brush regularly you won't need a scaler! 
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