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Inspirational Books

Inspirational Books

With Winning in Mind by Lanny Bassham

Author Lanny Bassham writes:

“Be wary of the people no one wants on their team, the ones who are too small, too slow and not very capable. The unwanted have a built-in motivation to do whatever it takes to succeed that those who are picked first do not have. This is a story of such a person and what he did to find his place at the top of the world in his sport. 

“I'm that person and this book is an introduction to what I've learned. I believe there is a mental system that when used will speed up the process of getting to the winner's circle. I am well aware that there are many fine self-improvement books available. Psychologists, motivational speakers, religious leaders and business professionals write them. 

“The Mental Management(R) System is not based on psychology, instead it is 100% based on competition. I did my apprenticeship in the arena of Olympic pressure. My credibility is not based on the courses I took in college; it's in my gold medals and the medals of my students. It's not theory; it's simply what works. My goal in this book is to share with you the mental techniques that I have discovered and used to win."
With Winning In Mind -- Learn more

Creating Affluence by Depak Chopra

This book takes an alphabetical approach. Depak takes a letter of the alphabet and then picks an inspiring word begging with that word and discusses it at length. It relates to dog agility because the book will help you develop a strong self-image, which is ever so important in reaching ones goals. 

One reviewer writes: "Deepak has the ability to capture every single person with his stories and philosophies, no matter what he writes. This book is short and sweet from A-to-Z without taking more than 5 minutes a day to inscribe a new thought in your head to practice throughout the day. Truly an incredible method of self-improvement without even trying."

Learn more about Creating Affluence
Creating Affluence

Theodore Rosevelt -- an Autobiography

Halloween party -- discounted room at San Ramon Marriott

Theodore Rosevelt -- an Autobiography

Rosevelt declared in one of his famous speeches: 

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. 

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; 

who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. 

Learn more about Theodore Rosevelt

Mental Toughness Training

I listen to this audio program on Mental Toughness Training many years ago on cassette tape. It is fun to listen to party because the two authors talk naturally with each other sharing ideas for commanding the idea performance state. The music also enhances the listening experience.

One reviewer writes:

IDEAL PERFORMANCE AT WILL--written and read by James Loehr and Peter

"It shows how you can apply basic principles in whatever you do; i.e., if you
wish to have less stress and more success in your life . . . though there
were many sports-related examples (based largely on Loehr's work as a world-renowned performance psychologist), virtually anybody could benefit from such advice . . ."

You can Work Your Own Miracles by the author of Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill

This book has helped me a lot. From it I learned how to deal with negative people and stop their negative words, thoughts, and behaviors from influencing me and dragging me down.  I highly recommend it.

Another reviewer writes: "...The book highlights the 'Golden Nuggets' of his [Napoleon Hill's] teaching which revolves around the importance of one's thoughts and one's way of thinking over a sustained period of time. 

"That 'period of time' is what escapes most teachings and seminar leaders. Desired changes don't happen over night. The Universe (God) needs a little time to line up the stars properly for things to fall in place for us to get the desired results. Once people become reconciled to that fact, everything else falls into place." 


Halloween party -- discounted room at San Ramon Marriott

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