Call your vet or animal poison center. Be ready to tell how much and when your dog ate. Describe your dog's condition now.
You may want to induce vomiting right away. Here's how to do it. Give your dog 1 or 2 tablespoons of Hydrogen Peroxide.
To administer hydrogen peroxide to your dog, you can use a syringe (available at Amazon here) and squirt it into your dogs throat. If you don't have a syringe, you could use a straw. Put 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide into a cup. Then suck some into the straw, sealing it quickly with your tongue and then with your thumb. Keep your thumb on the straw.
Open your dog's mouth, insert the straw deeply, then take your thumb off the straw and the hydrogen peroxide will go into your dog's throat. If your dog does not vomit, administer another tablespoon.
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