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Crazy Legs Hirsch

Crazy Legs Hirsch

Play Tag with Dog and become Crazy Legs Hirsh?

As a child I played tag with my collies, Sterling and Lassie; then later with Lassie and Magic Momo. To play tag you separate from your dog and then try to run past her, dodging her as best you can. If she jumps on you and "tags you," then you lost the game. Be careful when doing this that you don't run into her because she could be injured if you are not careful.

Playing tag helped me be become a star football player in grade school. I had crazy legs, like Crazy Legs Hirsch.

Today this play helps keep me young and helps Momo get great exercise to keep her in shape for Dog Agility Trials. It also keeps me in shape because I need to run in dog agility, too. I discuss this in my Kindle book Dog Agility Escapades with Magic Momo.  <=click 😁

Watch Crazy Legs Hirsch on Youtube

Crazy Legs Hirsch, born in 1923 died in 2014. Hirsch was an amazing football star known for his agility to catch passes and dodge passed defense plays often scoring a touchdown.  He later became and executive in the sports arena and tried acting as well. He was added to the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1967

Hirsch grew up in Wausau, Wisconsin.

He got the nickname "Crazy Legs") for his bizarre by highly effective running style.

Crazy Legs was in the U.S. Marines from 1944 to 1946. In 1951 he played with the Rams and helped them win NFL championship.  He was the general manager of the Rams from 1960 to 1969; the the athletic director for the University of Wisconsin from 1969 to 1987.

See a video about Crazy Legs <==Click! 🐕🐕😁

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