Dog Training Psychology for Dog Agility

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Adding Distance in Dog Agility -- introduction

Adding Obstacle Focus & Distance to Your Dog Agility Handling

Here You Can Learn Dog Agility Handling that enables Obstacle Focus and Distance Handling

If we can lead our dog from a distance, we'll be better able to handle various challenging situations. 

This is an introduction to the article on how to add distance to your dog agility handling.  

To see the complete article, which includes instructional videos,  please register by filling out the form below. 

Adding Distance with Weave Pole Rumba

To teach your dog to handle the weave poles independently, so you can move to another part of the course, try this.  Place a reward, such as a toy, ball, or food treat at the exit of the weave poles.  Send your dog into the weaves and let her enjoy the reward when she exits.  If you dog doesn't yet know how to weave at all, we suggest you see training weave poles.

Gradually, move the reward behind another obstacle or at the exit of a tunnel. Once your dog can do the weave poles independently, try running far ahead, trusting her to do her job. Then try adding distractions. I like to fake a fall down and see if Momo will continue.  Once day, I want to fake fall down at a trial for fun. Hahaha!

Dog Agility and Obedience Training

Here you can find everything you need for Dog Agility Training as well as basic obedience training. Please see our dog training psychology home page to learn more. 
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